Tantric Massage by Abigail of Warwickshire.
So what is about my naturist massage experience that makes it tantric? Well, I employ a number of tantric breathing exercises to help you to completely unwind and relax. I am a naturist holistic therapist which simply means I work at relaxing your Body, Mind and Spirit.
As well as being a fully trained masseuse, very well versed and experienced in sports, remedial and relaxation techniques I am a Reiki Master so you will be in extremely good hands.
I was one of the first people in the Midlands to offer this style of intensely pleasurable form of massage. When I started 10 years ago there were very few people who offered this type of wonderful experience – since then many people have started to offer something that sounds similar, but it is unlikely that you will find anyone with the training and experience you will benefit from when you choose me for your naturist tantric massage. There are also amazing Lingam massage techniques I can employ to send you into an entirely different place.
Tantric Naturist Massage
Tantric Lingam Massage
With my Tantric Naturist Massage and Reiki Naturist Massage I will be working with the body’s natural energy lines and breaking down all the blockages but I will also include all the techniques employed in remedial massage to relax and take the stress and pain away from all your muscles. My incredible lingam massage is also included ( if desired ) as is reverse massage on the longer sessions of 90 minutes or 2 hours.
So when you are looking for the best Tantric massage in the Midlands, Birmingham, The NEC or Coventry just think of me, Abigail of Warwickshire. Remember it is always best to book ahead to avoid being disappointed that I am unavailable but it is sometimes worth just calling ahead on the day.